agrathaer GmbH

Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg

Tel.: +49 33432 82 149

Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Firma agrathaer

We are a bunch of strategic thinkers and doers with a “fiery” skillset.

Männliche Hand hält Grlühbirne vor ein Feln im Sonnenuntergang.

Where we are is up front. Where we are is the future.

Our portfolio includes services for sustainable transformation and innovation processes as well as project work and product/company consulting.

You can call up 12 service packages with 60 individual services from us.

Gruppenfoto der operationellen Gruppe aus dem Projekt BioStripPlant

start thinking About

start thinking About

start thinking About

start thinking About

start thinking About

we start thinking About

we start thinking About

we start thinking About

we start thinking About

we start thinking About

Sustainability, networking, transfer is the kit that holds our diverse projects together. We participate or coordinate projects in the broad field of nutrition, agriculture, landscape ecology, nature and environmental protection.


Bereit für den “Pepp” 

Chilipulver aus einer geplatzten Chili-Schote