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Congratulations on winning the EIP-AGRI Innovation Award!

To recognize the great diversity of innovative EIP projects, the EU-GAP network for innovation and knowledge exchange EIP-AGRI organizes the EIP-AGRI Innovation Awards. The aim of the awards is to recognize and reward outstanding operational groups that have developed innovative solutions, products and processes. The winners were announced at the awards ceremony on 07.05.2024 in Estoril (Portugal).


Eric Bönicke and Ingmar Schröter (third and fourth person from the right)


The winner in the “Digitalization” category is the Brandenburg EIP project “Precise Liming in Brandenburg”, or pH BB for short.

The aim of the project was to improve the management of soil acidity on farms in Brandenburg. Mobile soil sensors were to record important soil properties quickly, cost-effectively and on a small scale, and methods were to be developed for processing the mapping data and deriving fertilization recommendations.

As a result, the following methods were developed for the implementation of precise liming:

  • Sensor-based mapping methods for texture, pH value and humus content
  • Algorithms for reference sampling, “mean grain diameter” (MKD) and “stepless” lime application


The following products are available for use:

  • pH-BB Toolbox
  • Profitability calculator
  • Training and lecture materials


Further information on the project can be found on the MLUK EIP website.