IDL Brandenburg
agrathaer GmbH is the central advisory centre for all potential EIP-AGRI applicants and supports the operational groups on request and according to individual needs in the planning, implementation and handling of an EIP-AGRI project.

P2GreeN - Menschliche Sanitärabfälle in Dünger verwandeln

Local Agenda 21
Project sponsor: “Sustainable Development - Local Agenda 21” campaign & “Healthy Environment” campaign

Carbon Tillage
Technical and technological solutions for climate protection and yield security in agriculture

Development/ testing of conservation tillage in organic vegetable production

High quality protein feed from alfalfa (HEILU)

Innovative Strategies for Public Catering: Sustainability Toolkit across Baltic Sea Region

Network for knowledge transfer in the food trade

Adequately communicate health-related risks from the environment
Risk communication creates awareness of risks and promotes safe behavior - particularly important for complex or unexpected issues.
Bereit für den “Pepp”